Gifting season at Stanley Burton

While preparing for our first gifting season at Stanley Burton, I can’t help but think that 2021 has just zoomed past. So much has happened this year, the race to save the nation during a relay of lockdowns across Australia. Then came the Tokyo Olympics, a great distraction with the world coming together with hopes and unity. And of course the launch of Stanley Burton in July to fill the gap of diversity and inclusion empowerment, something that is missing in the gay owned underwear industry in Australia. We are just 10 weeks away from Christmas, truly the best time to reconnect with the people that you care and love after months of missed opportunities with birthdays, anniversaries, get togethers, nights out and sleepovers.
One stop shop for all your gifts
Buying gifts for a bunch of friends is not an easy task when you have a busy lifestyle, besides you will have a lot of socialising to catch up after lockdown ends. So we have made it easier for you. Stanley Burton is a one stop shop with a wide range of underwear. We handpicked some of the hottest international underwear brands from the UK, New York and Colombia. Why wear the same stale underwear brands as everyone else in Australia when you can wear something uniquely different.
- Skull & Bones designed in New York with great prints and details, great for everyone
- Alexx Underwear designed and made in Colombia offers underwear for the daring guys
- Lure from the UK is classically done like the Brits
- Marcuse, an iconic brand from Australia that has a wide range of funky colours and styles

Underwear is the best gift comes in a small package
Underwear has come a long way from being just an undergarment to self expression, fashion statement and a state of mind. Buying shoes for a friend is risky, no one really knows the size of a friend’s feet, socks are boring and socks selfie isn’t sexy. Chocolate? I am sure he has eaten enough junk food for the past 3 months. Underwear on the other hand can be a pleasant surprise, a conversation starter or a token of appreciation. With underwear you can always tell if your friend is a medium, small or a large because there is a significant range with waist measurement, unlike shoes when it is a bit bigger at least he won’t trip over his jockstrap.
Everyone wears underwear
Even for that friend who may sometimes go commando but he still wears it to work, gym and when he wears jeans (beware of those zipper boys, ouch!) Underwear can give you the confidence with another layer of protection as a second skin and on a chilly day you don’t have to feel the draft going up the groin. Now is not the best time to catch a cold or sneeze in public.
Deep and Meaningful
Everyone loves surprises and no one likes boring gifts. Have you ever been disappointed by a friend’s gift? Last year, someone bought me a bottle of beard balm. Firstly I am smooth as a baby’s bottom, secondly it was from my flatmate. While I appreciate the gift, I wonder if this person really ‘sees’ me at all. I always remember the people who has given me unique gifts, you can always put a face to it and you can tell when someone puts in their time and effort, do you even matter? A gift says a thousand words and underwear can make those thousand words sound even better.
Brief - the most common type of underwear and everyone owns one. Simply slip it on and it won’t ride up your legs even if you wear tight pants. It also shows off the thighs if you walk around topless. We have plain and prints across a wide range of comfortable fabrics, some don't hold moisture so they are ideal for fitness. Check out our unique prints from our collection and a wide range of tones and plain colours to colour any moods.
Trunk / Boxer - Personally I prefer boxers and trunks over briefs when I am at home, I can still walk around the apartment without feeling naked. This is ideal for anyone who works from home, reading a good book or just chillaxing on Netflix. All our trunks and boxers also have supportive pouches so the guys won’t feel like they are dangling carrots. If you are lukewarm on the idea about buying underwear for your friends then a pair of boxers and trunks is safe, you can’t go wrong. Everyone loves something comfy without the tightness of wearing shorts all the time.
Jockstrap - Jockstrap has a history in sports. However most guys probably use it in the bedroom or show their butts on Instagram after all if you’ve got it, flaunt it. It is still widely used in America for contact sports and it is also used in Australia for sports like wrestling (WWE). The traditional sports jockstrap is designed to fit a protective cup under the supportive pouch, that's another column altogether. Just so you know, jockstrap is extremely masculine and sexy to wear, especially you have a nice butt then you can show it off in the locker room, your friend will thank you for spicing up his sex life because no one is turned off by a man who can wear jockstrap well in the bedroom. We have a wide range of jockstrap from classic designs to designs for the wicked.
Thongs - Thongs has a more intimate fan base than the jockstraps for guys, you either love it or hate it. If your friend is a jockstrap fan and never tried thongs then this is certainly the best pleasant surprise, I highly recommend Marcuse Brighten thongs range and you have 6 awesome colours to choose from. It looks minimal but once you put it on it’s a whole new sensation - the freedom and the sass. For the more daring guys, they would wear thongs under compression or joggers to work out in the gym, because if you have a butt like that you would want to give other people the impression that you are not wearing any underwear. We all have one of those friends I am sure.
Whatever you want to buy for your friends, you can always check their social media profiles, their pages are the best source for your research. If they put it out there they want people to know so you should not feel guilty about it.
The thought that counts
If a friend means something to you then you should know his basic details: name (duh), ethnic background, idols and heroes, favourite music, colour, cuisine, job. You don’t need to know every exact detail such as briefs or trunks, jockstrap or thongs but you can profile this based on his lifestyle and favourites. Believe me, this is how I usually decide on a gift, I don’t just pick any item off the shelf, how inconsiderate and boring.
If your friend works as a masseur, then boxers and trunks are ideal gifts, you get bonus points for looking out for his basic needs. Some therapists may go topless during the session but wearing a pair of boxers or trunks can be exotic without being sexual like briefs, it also allows 4 way movement without the constraints of a pair of shorts. However, if you have a closer relationship with your masseur then you should buy a pair of jockstrap for him and have it as one of your fantasies, some Christmas wishes do come true. I highly recommend Lure jockstrap available in black and white, it’s sexy, classy and in great shape and if your masseur has a defined body to go with his strong sets of hands then he would look super hot in it.
The Active Type
We also have Marcuse Active in briefs with premium mesh and double mesh for the front pouch which is ideal for guys who do yoga and pilate and any of your friends who spend a lot of time in the gym. For the outdoorsy friends, one of our brand champ Clayton Paterson recommends Alexx Underwear Handsome Grey Brief, he recently cycled through the The White Rim trail (desert in Utah, USA).
“The Alexx [Handsome Brief grey] are great under my bike shorts. Great material that doesn’t hold moisture”
You can also check out other underwear in our Field Sport collection which was a hit during the Olympics, ideal if you have a group of active friends or if you want to encourage your friends to be active.
Underwear with prints
This is great for guys who love designs, graphics and details, the arty type will appreciate these. We stock a wide range of Skull & Bones prints from Coney Island in Comic Strips with illustrations of theme parks, beaches and carousels. One of our top selling products is the Champagne Bubbles Brief in Gold Foil, we all need something to celebrate this year and who doesn’t love bubbly on any occasion, put this on and he will want to dance from jazz to pole. There is never enough love to give with Skull & Bones’ Love Bones or Love Bites that brings joy all year round, so if you have missed his birthday, "Best Friend Day" on 8th June, "Friendship Day" on 30th July, then you should package all the love in one underwear. Check out the rest of our print collection, there are also some wilder jungle range for you to choose from, the Colombians do it best.
Digital Gift Vouchers
We offer a diverse range of options to make your purchase more flexible for a range of budgets

Introducing our first set of Digital Gift Cards collection. If you cannot decide on what to buy for your friend or if you are buying for a couple then the $50 or $100 gift cards are great options.
$30 / $50 / $80 / $100 Gift card
- Value of $30 / $50 / $80 / $100
- Free shipping
- Not to be used with further discounts
$150 Gift card
- You get 20% off when you purchase $150 gift card
- Free express shipping
- You only need to pay $120
- Value of $150
- Not to be used with further discounts
Check out our entire digital gift card collection
Payment options
We offer a diverse range of payment options available at Stanley Burton, please click here to find out which options is best for you.
Upcoming sale events
Also look out for other sale events coming up in the next few weeks. You can follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with news or subscribe to our mailing list at Stanley Burton website.
- Tags: Gift Card Gifting Season